The deal capture of the four instruments spot, swap, outright and deposit/loan is done using separate screens. The deals can be entered either as interbank or as customer trades. The latter automatically generate an internal coverage to an other profit centre. Also internal deals between two profit centres are possible.
The design was focussed on the needs of a fast and error free deal entry. So every input field is checked for legal values at input time and if possible is filled with useful contents ahead. Numerous entry fields allow the choice of input values from selection lists. To increase readability all amounts are displayed with separated 1000-blocks already at entry time. The rates can be entered by simply giving the last deviating digits.
Picture 1: Deal capture of an interbank spot contract. The position is being split via USD.
All FX deals allow a position split using a third currency. This position split can also be at any time after deal entry. The resulting position will then be closed using internal deals to allow accurate affiliation of P/L to different profit centres.
Customer deals can be covered by internal deals automatically. The created P/L can be shared with a subsidiary or a dealer by a definable percentage.
Picture 2: Capture of a customer swap deal.
Picture 3: Selection of a counter party at outright deal entry.
Picture 4: Entry of an interbank deposit/loan deal.
By using a key stroke the counter parties limit and current limit usage can be displayed while capturing a deal. While storing the deal an online limit check will be performed. Already when entering the counter parties' name an eventual limit overdraft will be checked and displayed.
The fields "Settlement check begin" and "Settlement check end" will determine the interval in which possible settlement conflict and bottlenecks will be checked and displayed.
Picture 5: Display of limit overdraft while entering a contract.
The display of entered deals is done using overview tables. Contracts can be selected from the database using multiple filtering criteria. The user can interactively define which column contents are to be displayed. Also the number of displayed rows is easily adaptable by resizing the window on the screen.
All overview tables have an automatic up-to-date redisplay feature. The details of a single contract can be shown by activating the corresponding line. This detail view allows also deal cancellations and modifications. A group of deals belonging together can be cancelled in a single transaction.
An "I" after the columns "Counterpart" indicates internal deals.
Picture 6: Display of spot deals.
The following example shows the cancellation of a customer outright deals. Since the customer decided at deal entry to cover both currencies separately, 9 contracts are belonging to this transaction. These deals are generated automatically at deal entry and can be cancelled together.
Picture 7: Cancellation of a customer outright and its internal coverage deals.
Picture 8: Configuration of displayed table columns.
Picture 9: Reduced number of displayed rows by resizing the window.